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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

School vision and values

‘Heirs of the past. Makers of the future’

We aim to be a vibrant, collaborative, learning community that leads in education and empowers all to achieve excellence.

To achieve this, our school aims are:

  • To challenge and inspire students to have the highest aspirations and be committed to making the very best of their abilities, ensuring that they are supported to do so through highly effective individual care, guidance and encouragement


  • To encourage students to be deep thinkers, knowledgeable scholars and articulate communicators who are intellectually curious and have a passion for learning


  • To provide high quality teaching and learning that enables students to attain the highest levels of academic achievement and be successful at the best universities


  • To build within our students a strong sense of self-belief, dignity, service and social responsibility, equipping them with the ability to lead others and to have the desire to change society for the better


  • To be committed to the continuous development of our staff expertise and the promotion of their wellbeing


  • To provide a wide range of opportunities, including enrichment and co-curricular opportunities, for students to nurture and develop their talents and creativity as well as further their social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding


  • To use the motivational power of praise and celebration balanced with good order and self-discipline to build positive relationships


  • To be an innovative and forward-looking school that combines the best of the new with the best traditions of British education

Our core values are curiosity, courage and compassion alongside fellowship, respect, self-belief, conscientiousness, resilience and integrity.