
Our vision for the Sixth Form at WHSG is:
The very best learning experience for every student in every classroom, every day, leading to outstanding outcomes and a world class education for all and we strive to achieve this in all that we do.
Learning and Teaching in today’s educational climate is about providing the environment for success to be nurtured and for students to become divergent thinkers and independent enquirers, so they will flourish in the ever changing world of the 21st century. At WHSG we aim to provide the best possible environment for success to flourish on every level, whilst appreciating this will look different for every student. We foster, in our Sixth Form, a culture that values and encourages challenge on every level, ensuring the students question, are intellectually curious and have a love of learning for learning’s sake, seeing it as a lifelong journey. We are much more than our academic successes and ensure that on leaving us our young women are ready and excited by the challenges of this century and able to smash through the metaphorical ‘glass ceiling’ with confidence and integrity.
I remain both delighted and proud to be the Director of Sixth Form here and, along with the students and Sixth Form Team, are always happy to answer and queries that you may not be able to find the answers to on our website.
If you are interested in applying please click the following link: https://wallingtongirls.applicaa.com/sixthform
Mrs S Collins Mrs M Horton
Assistant Headteacher Director of Sixth Form