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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Student Support Services

Care, Guidance and Support

We pride ourselves on our outstanding pastoral care throughout the school.   The following services ensure that your daughter is well cared for:

Form Tutor – every student is in a form group with a tutor who will stay with them throughout their time at the school.  The Form Tutor is the first point of contact for parents and someone who will know your daughter very well both emotionally and academically.

Head of Year – they will oversee all the students within a Year Group to ensure that they are able to progress as well, if not better, than expected.   They oversee all aspects of care, guidance and support within their year group.

Assistant Headteacher for Student Support and Designated Safeguarding Lead – Ms M Gough

KS3 Student Support Officer – Ms T Corfield

KS4 Student Support Officer – Ms S Wilson

KS5 Student Support Officer – Ms S McCormack

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) - Ms C Beaumont

Counsellor – Ms C Nwankwo

Director of Inclusion – Mrs K Bates

Inclusion Assistant – Ms C Cuxton

KS3 and KS4 Attendance Officer – Ms M Andrews

KS5 Attendance Officer – Ms J Day

First Aid Officer – Ms D Newell

Student Support Services:

  • Medical facilities and support – We are very privileged to have a well-equipped medical room.   In case of medical emergency we have a large team of trained first aiders on call.   We also have an attached nurse from the Sutton Nursing Service in school one day each week to help educate the students about their health and wellbeing and for support with medical issues.
  • School Counsellor – Via referral from the Heads of Year, the Counsellor will provide emotional support and guidance for students with tier 2 specific social and emotional needs.  Please click here for details of the Counselling Service at WHSG.
  • Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) – Via referral from the Heads of Year, the ELSA will provide support for students with tier 1 social and emotional needs.   This may be small group or individual support.
  • Data and Attendance Assistant – has responsibility for monitoring attendance and punctuality and supporting parents in maintaining excellence in these areas.