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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Enrichment Programme: Internal and External competitions

So far during 2020/210, competitions have formed a vital part of the enrichment programme offered to students.

They allow students to complete challenges on their own in a safe environment. We have offered a range of activities so students can choose those they are most interested in and still gain those vital developmental and transferrable skills.

Students this year have relished in the opportunities provided by WHSG to submit poems for National Poetry day, Drawings for the Big Draw event themed around climate change, family research based around Armistice day along with joining in with some science experiments at home. The run up to Christmas 2020 provided ideal opportunities to compete within the school for the best decorated Christmas tree, with the students designing their own Christmas decorations. Some examples of these efforts can be seen below

We have also raised money for charity and helped those in need via our charitable gift collection for the local Salvation army and held mufti days to raise funds for the British Red Cross and local Sutton night watch.

They have also actively participated in external competitions such as by French writing competitions by Kings College London, Lockdown Poetry run by Sutton Parks and a National History story writing competition.

Wallington students successfully entered the UK Space design competition where 11 students won the regionals and entered into the national competition as a result.