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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Join our Alumni

Wallington High School for Girls Alumni

As a former student, you continue to play a significant role in the Wallington Girls' School community, and are always welcome back. We would like to invite all former pupil to join our vibrant and growing alumni community.

Your involvement in our alumni community can inspire and motivate current students.  We envision a network that actively engages with the school's current pupils, providing mentorship, guidance, and real-world insights. By sharing your success stories, you provide valuable insights into the various paths pupils can take after graduating from our school. Your experiences, challenges, and triumphs serve as a source of encouragement for the next generation of leaders and innovators.

As a member you can expect:

  • Invitations to events and reunions
  • Opportunities to provide career guidance
  • Access to a network of exceptional professionals

And much more.

Our students have the qualities to do anything they wish to and having inspiring role models, from our alumni community, will empower them to make great decisions and to become Makers of the Future.

Joining is simple. Click here to become part of the alumni community.

We look forward to welcoming you back and witnessing the positive impact your presence will have on our school and its students.