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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Parent Workshops 2023-24

Workshop 1: E-safety Videos

Date and time: N/A

Facilitator: Alan Mackenzie

Location: Please see the video links below

Alan Mackenzie is an online safety specialist who wishes to educate all parents on how they can support their children to make the correct choices online. Online safety is a huge and important area. Whilst many of us did not grow up with technology, it is integral to the lives of our children. In school we have lots of lessons throughout the school year to teach the children about keeping safe online and it is important that you are aware of the risks and issues too. Below, you will find links to a series of short videos. These are free to you as a parent/carer of a child in our school and are brought to you by a nationally renowned specialist. The videos will take you through a series of issues, they are non-technical and provide you with support and guidance, and can be watched as and when suits you. For more information, please see the attached guide.

Video links:

Introduction -

The Four C’s -

Online Gaming -

YouTube -

Social Media -

Screentime -

Final Video, Useful Links and Resources -

Workshop 2: The Teenage Brain, Exam Stress and Perfectionism

Date and time: Wed 27th Sep 2023, 18.30-20.00

Facilitator: Jenny Langley - Mental Health Trainer from The Charlie Waller Trust

Location: This is a virtual event - Teams

The Charlie Waller Trust has been working alongside Dr John Coleman who is a leading expert in the field of teenage brain development. Jenny Langley is one of their lead trainers in this area and in this session Jenny will talk us through the latest research around the development of the teenage brain, which starts from around the age of 8 and runs through to the mid-twenties. Understanding some of these key changes can help us to see the world through the teenage lens more clearly, and therefore to come alongside our youngsters when they are struggling with pressures such as exam stress, perfectionist tendencies and other social developmental issues. The session is for all parents and carers and will include practical tips in communicating with your child in the face of difficulties.

The link is here for this online workshop:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 339 274 539 553

Passcode: Rqkedt

Workshop 3: Understanding ADHD

Date and time: Thurs 28th Sep 2023, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Dr Jo Suchy - Senior Educational Psychologist from Cognus

Location: This is a virtual event - Teams

 Jo Suchy from the Educational Psychology team will be running a workshop to help parents to better understand ADHD. The workshop will look at how you can support a young person with ADHD and understanding their anxiety and anger triggers, as well as developing positive behaviour strategies at home and in school.

The link is here for this online workshop:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 359 111 500 304

Passcode: hkytKK

Workshop 4: Managing your child’s anxiety (Year 7 and Year 8 parents)

Date and time: Thurs 5th Oct 2023, 19.00-20.00

Facilitator: Madeline West - Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner from the Sutton Education Wellbeing team

Location: This is a virtual event - Teams

This workshop is for the parents of Year 7 and Year 8 students. Madeline West, Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner from the Sutton Education team, will be running a workshop to support parents to better understand and support worries and anxiety in their children. The workshop will provide an overview of the psychology behind anxiety and offer a number of practical strategies that can be used at home by parents. The workshop will also encourage parents to think about triggers for anxiety in their children, and time for questions at the end of the session will be available.

The link is here for this online workshop:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 394 672 635 044

Passcode: tRzf5L

Workshop 5: Transitioning to University Life

Date and time: Tues 10th Oct 2023, 18.00-19.30

Facilitator: The Charlie Waller Trust

Location: This is a virtual event - Zoom

This webinar is for parents and carers who want to help a young person adjust to life and learning at a university. The session will talk you through adjustment and homesickness, explore the transition to a different way of learning, give you tips on helping navigate university support systems, help you think about the complexity of the academic journey and how you can support this.

To register for this online workshop please click on this link:

Workshop 6: Revision Tips (Year 11 parents)

Date and time: Mon 16th Oct 2023, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Mr Donnelly – Assistant Headteacher for Teaching and Learning at WHSG

Location: This event will be held at WHSG

Mr Donnelly will provide Year 11 parents with tips and techniques to support their child with revision and how to retain more information and knowledge.

Workshop 7: Special Educational Needs Drop In

Date and time: Thurs 16th Nov 2023, 17.30-18.30

Facilitator: Mrs Bates (Director of Inclusion), Mr Smillie (Assistant SENCo) and Tracy Matthews (Adapt to Learn ASD Specialist)

Location: This event will be held at WHSG

Mrs Bates (Director of Inclusion), Mr Smillie (Assistant SENCo) and Tracy Matthews (Adapt to Learn ASD Specialist) will be available to speak to parents of those students who have SEN.  This will be an informal session where parents can ask questions, share experiences and gather ideas for supporting their child with SEN.

Workshop 8: Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Date and time: Tues 21st Nov 2023, 18.00-19.30

Facilitator: The DSM Foundation

Location: This is a virtual event - Zoom

This online workshop will be led by a drug education charity, the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation. The workshop will involve finding out about:

  • levels of young people’s exposure to drugs and alcohol – what, where, when and how;
  • what young people, and their parents and carers, need to know about the risks of drugs and alcohol;
  • factors that affect young people’s decisions about drugs and alcohol, including teenage brain development;
  • how to have effective conversations with your child, and practical suggestions for what you can do to support them to stay safe;
  • where to go for more information and support.

To register for this online workshop please click on the link below:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from the Foundation containing information about joining the webinar.

Workshop 9: Understanding Self-harm, the Risk and Practical Strategies

Date and time: Mon 27th Nov 2023, 18.30-20.00

Facilitator: Jenny Langley - Mental Health Trainer from The Charlie Waller Trust

Location: This is a virtual event - Teams

Self-harm is behaviour that is done deliberately to harm oneself. Varying from one young person to another, it can include: self-cutting, taking an overdose, hitting or bruising, intentionally taking too little or too much medication, burning, hanging or suffocation. At least 10% of adolescents report having self-harmed in some way. This session is aimed at helping parents, carers, other family members and friends to cope when a young person is self-harming.

The link is here for this online workshop:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 345 883 976 943

Passcode: JH9Vwi

Workshop 10: Improving Attendance  

Date and time: Tues 16th Jan 2024, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Aniké Clarke (Education Welfare Officer - Cognus)

Location: This is a virtual event – Teams

A workshop for parents of students whose attendance is below 90% and finding it difficult to attend school on a regular basis. The aim of the workshop is to help parents develop a better understanding of how chronic absence can impact a child’s achievement and to explore strategies for improving their child’s attendance.

The link is here for this online workshop:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 344 149 001 200 

Passcode: 9M7Vdb

Workshop 11: E-Safety

Date and time: Thurs 8th Feb 2024, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Steve Welding - Education E-safety Adviser from Cognus

Location: This is a virtual event – Teams 

Steve Welding is an online safety specialist who wishes to educate all parents on how they can support their children to make the correct choices online. As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child safe online. This workshop will provide you with advice and resources to help you in supporting your child to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively.

The link is here for this online workshop:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 312 726 541 059

Passcode: fjAdS

Workshop 12: Transition from Primary to Secondary School

Date and time: Wed 3rd July 2024, 18.30-20.00

Facilitator: Hayley Cameron (Education Safeguarding Manager - Cognus), Steve Welding (Education E-safety Adviser - Cognus) and Aniké Clarke (Education Welfare Officer - Cognus)

Location: This is a virtual event – Teams

Hayley Cameron and Steve Welding from Cognus will be providing parents with helpful hints and tips on how to support their child as they transition from Primary to Secondary school. The Education Welfare Officer will also be on hand to provide guidance on attendance and the legal framework around school absence.

The link is here for this online workshop:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 381 809 182 145

Passcode: 2MeGto