Midterm Admissions- Year 8-11
Admissions will only be considered when there is a vacancy in the relevant Year Group. Only candidates who were deemed to be of selective ability in the Entrance Test for a place in Year 7, or who are new applicants, will be eligible to be tested.
If you would like your child to be added to the waiting list, you will need to complete an 'In-Year Admission' application form on the London Borough of Sutton website via the link below.
In-year admissions and vacancy checker - Sutton Council
In the event of a place becoming available, all students on the relevant waiting list will be invited in to sit tests in English and Maths appropriate to their age group. Candidates who pass both tests will be considered to be of selective ability. Candidates who fail to meet the pass mark in any of the tests will not be able to resit the test at any point in the future and will only be eligible to join the School in the Sixth Form.
Parent/carers have the right of appeal if a place is not offered.
In the event of there being more selective candidates than vacancies, places will be allocated according to the criteria described in the School's admission policy.
If you have any questions regarding admissions for Year 7-11 please email:- admissions@girlslearningtrust.org