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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Sixth Form

The Sixth Form at Wallington High School for Girls

At Wallington High School for Girls we are proud of our thriving and ever growing Sixth Form that has an excellent academic reputation and provides first class guidance and support so that students enjoy a positive and successful Sixth Form experience and leave us well prepared for life beyond school.

Our Sixth Form aims to enable students to:

  • Achieve highly and become an independent and divergent thinker
  • Develop self-confidence and resilience
  • Understand and respect others, regardless of background
  • Develop personal values such as curiosity, courage, compassion and integrity
  • Take on new responsibilities and leadership roles
  • Be an active member of the wider community

With over 500 students in the Sixth Form, we offer an extensive choice of A Levels taught in excellent facilities by subject experts.  Most students in Year 11 choose to stay with us for their Sixth Form education and we also warmly welcome external applicants who meet our entry requirements.

Complementing A Levels, all students in Year 12 will take an elective which will develop their communication, confidence in expressing their own opinion and challenging others and build their cultural capital.  There are a number of options available, including the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) which develops skills of analysis and independent research, vital for success in undergraduate study. Students also follow a wellbeing programme, including dedicated  PSHCE time (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) and Physical Education.

WHSG Sixth Formers continue their education at some of the most prestigious universities in Britain and abroad.  To support our students in achieving this, we run an extensive Higher Education program that includes Oxbridge preparation as well as clear guidance on ‘informed choices’, Russell Group Universities and the UCAS process.

Our Sixth Form prides itself on a strong Pastoral System in which every student is allocated a tutor and Head of Year.  In addition we also have Director of Sixth Form whose key priority is to quality assure the teaching and learning throughout the Sixth Form.  Through our highly successful mentoring system as well as regular monitoring and reporting procedures, tutors support, monitor and challenge their tutees as necessary. They also play vital roles in the Induction Process at the beginning of each year and, of course, through the university/careers application process.

At WHSG, our Sixth Form is about so much more than excellence in academia and we therefore offer a wealth of leadership and extra-curricular opportunities.  The prefect team are an integral and highly valued part of the Sixth Form.  Lead by our two Head Girls they are a dynamic team who coordinate a large amount of activities giving them brilliant leadership opportunities.  In addition, Our Sports Leaders run clubs and contribute to our annual gym and dance display.  For those possessing a musical talent we have our Gospel Choir and orchestras who perform at our Spring concert and a wide range of school events.  Furthermore, it is Sixth Form students who run some of our most successful clubs and societies, including the Model UN, African-Caribbean Society and  our award winning Glee club -  ‘WHSGlee’.  All students are actively involved in our local community as part of our volunteering programme, this includes working in charity shops, visiting nursing homes and working with the charity MENCAP, helping those with disabilities learn to cook.  In addition we have the highly entertaining RAG week which also raises money for charity.

As a school we value student voice immensely and as a result run a Sixth Form committee who are a team dedicated to making improvements in their Sixth Form.  As a member of WHSG Sixth Form you will be challenged to reach your full potential in an environment dedicated to meeting the needs of every student every day.