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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Report an Absence

Reporting your child's Absence from School

Wallington High School for Girls has an expectation that all students will attend school throughout the academic year, except for in exceptional circumstances.

Short term or Sickness Absences

If your child is unwell, resulting in them missing a school day, or has an appointment/exam, during school hours or that that results in them arriving to school late, WHSG requests that you provide confirmation of the following details to

Please title your email “Absence and include your child’s name” and include the following information in the body of the email:

  • Your child's full name, along with their form and year group
  • The reason for the absence, including whether it is due to illness or a scheduled appointment
  • The expected duration of the absence, including any time of collection should the absence be part way through the day.


Emails confirming sickness absences should be received before 8.45am on the first day of absence and every subsequent day before 8.45am if the absence continues.

Absences for appointments should be confirmed at least 48 hours before the absence so that the requests can be processed. If your child is in years 7-11, we are unable to let a student leave school without prior knowledge. If you will not be collecting your child from our reception, please give your permission for the child to leave school on their own in the email.

Sickness Bug

School policy states that:

If your child has been sick or is suffering from diarrhoea or both, they should remain at home until their symptoms have cleared. Your child should not return to school until at least 48 hours have passed since the last episode of vomiting/diarrhoea.

Parents/carers are expected to email daily during this time.

Leave of Absence requests lasting more than one day

WHSG Attendance and Punctuality Policy states “Requests for leave of absence are not generally granted and almost never to those whose attendance is below 97%.”

The School strongly disapproves of term time absences for reasons other than illness except in specific circumstances. DFE guidelines are quite clear. Legislation states that parents do not have a right to take their child out of school during term time. By law you must ask permission for your child to miss school. If you do not, you risk being served with a penalty notice from the local authority. The Headteacher must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave.

Discretionary authorised absence may be granted for family reasons such as attendance at a funeral, for approved educational activities and for an exceptional experience, for example performing in a West End Musical.

Families wishing to request a leave of Absence should complete the form below and submit via email to or return via reception 2 weeks before the date of absence. Please allow up to 10 working days for the Headteacher to review and confirm if the request has been authorised or not.

Authorised absence will only be granted where proper procedures have been followed and the permission given. Leave of absence will not be granted retrospectively.