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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Parents and Friends Association

The Parents and Friends Association (PFA)

Welcome to the Wallington High School for Girls Parents and Friends Association.  The PFA is a link between the school and parents and carers.  We are a lively body who enjoy running exciting events to raise funds which help the school to provide your daughter with a first-class education, including a number of outstanding extra-curricular opportunities. 

In our inaugural year, we held a Quiz Night for parents, a Year 7/8 disco in conjunction with Wilson’s and Wallington Boys schools and a barbecue for parents and students to welcome them into Year 7.  This provided a valuable opportunity for new students and parents to meet before starting at WHSG in September.  During the barbecue, new friendships were made which helped students to settle into school quickly and confidently in the Autumn term. 

Contact us on:-

Our Team is:-

Mohua Kumar



Vice Chair

Louise Eglington


Louise Eglington


Easyfundraising is a very easy way to raise funds for Wallington High School for Girls.

Shop with any of the high street retailers (Retailers include Amazon, John Lewis, eBay, Tesco etc) and a percentage of what you spend is donated to the school at no additional cost to you.  It is very simple and easy to use.

Please register by clicking the link below to support us today:


Thank you for supporting the PFA in this way.


Welcome from the Chair

Dear Parents and Carers

Wallington’s PFA consists of a group of parents who are keen to raise funds by being active both within and outside school. We run many different events throughout the school year for different year groups.

We collaborate with other selective local schools to run joint Year 7 & 8 discos, always very popular events with younger students.  We also hold a summer BBQ for students and their families prior to September.

We look forward to the planned activities this year and hope for a busy funds’ raising spring and summer. We also provide refreshments at some school events – please come and say hello to us next time you see us, we’d be delighted to meet you.   

If you have any ideas for other events, please let us know.  It’s not all hard work - above all, our Committee have a great deal of fun!   The PFA try to regularly.  All parents are invited to these meetings where we share new ideas and plan for the coming events. If parents are unable to join the committee and / or attend the meetings but would like to volunteer a couple of hours of their time to help out at our events, we would be delighted to welcome you! Personally, I have found it a rewarding and valuable experience to be part of the life of the school and to meet so many parents and students from our school community. 

If you would like to be added to our email circulation list to keep up to date with news of our forthcoming events, please email me at   On behalf of the PFA Committee, we look forward to meeting you very soon.

Mohua Kumar