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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Structure of the School Day

Timings of the School Day

Please find information on the new school day structure 2022-2023:

  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Fridays
From 07.50

Students may enter the school and can go to the canteen or to form rooms.
Food is available in the canteen from 07.50.

08.15 Full time staff in school
08.25 Registration
08.30-8.45 Assembly or tutor time
08.45-09.45 Lesson 1
09.50-10.50 Lesson 2
10.50-11.10 Morning Break
11.10-12.10 Lesson 3
12.15-13.15 Lesson 4
13.15-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Lesson 5
15.00 End of the school day
15.00-17.30 Supervised extra-curricular activities available.  Students may choose to remain in school to undertake supervised private study in the library,  All students must be supervised if in school.

Wednesday Timings

Students have a PSHCE lesson every Wednesday morning at 08.30 so the timings for the morning are slightly different as indicated in the table below.  From Lesson 4  all other timings remain the same.


Students may enter the school and can go to the canteen or to form rooms.
Food is available in the canteen from 07.50.

08.15 Full time staff in school
08.25 Registration
08.30-09.00 PSHCE in tutor groups
09.00-09.55 Lesson 1
10.00-10.55 Lesson 2
10.55-11.15 Morning Break
11:15-12.10 Lesson 3
12.15-13.15 Lesson 4
13.15-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Lesson 5
15.00 End of the school day
15.00-17.30 Supervised extra-curricular activities available.  Students may choose to remain in school to undertake supervised private study in the library,  All students must be supervised if in school.

This equates to a 32.4 hour week.