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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Head's Welcome

Welcome to the Wallington High School for Girls website. 

Mrs T'Obrien

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Wallington High School for Girls.

We are very proud to be one of the top girls school in the country. We are happy, purposeful & vibrant school community with a reputation for high academic standards, first class pastoral care and an outstanding extra-curricular and enrichment programme.

Our students are at the centre of everything that we do here. We want our them to thrive, enjoy their learning and achieve first class qualifications alongside developing as confident, caring and articulate individuals, well prepared for their future lives and leave empowered to 

achieve their aspirations. This ambition is reflected in our school motto "Heirs of the Past, Makers of the Future" and underpinned by our three core values: curiosity, courage and compassion.

We aim to offer a broad and balanced curriculum where traditional methods co-exist with innovative teaching and learning that embraces the very latest technologies and research. Our curriculum is enriched by a vast array of activities, including trips, competitions, lectures, and work-related learning. This, combined with the fact that classes are taught by passionate subject specialists, enables us to achieve academic results that are among the very best nationally.

We pride ourselves on offering a wide range of opportunities and responsibilities enabling our students to develop leadership skills, new skills and interests as well as a sense of service. There is a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities on offer at lunchtime and after school, many of which are student led and everyone is encouraged to make the most of these opportunities and play a role in the wider life of the school.

Our strong pastoral system means that students are nurtured and supported every step of the way through their time at the school. Care is an important part of our ethos and ensures we provide an environment where our students feel happy, safe and a strong sense of belonging, and can therefore flourish.

From September 2015, Wallington High School for Girls has been part of the Girls' Learning Trust and further details on this can be found in the "About us" section of the website.

I hope that this website allows you to get a real picture of life here, our fantastic students and staff, and in turn, why we are so proud of our school, If you need any more information then please contact us at the school.