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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

'A strong learning community. Pupils are proud of their school. The broad curriculum and high prior attainment of pupils lead to strong achievement.' OFSTED 2019

Parent Workshops 2024-25

Workshop 1: E-safety Videos

Date and time: N/A

Facilitator: Alan Mackenzie

Location: Please see the video links below

Alan Mackenzie is an online safety specialist who wishes to educate all parents on how they can support their children to make the correct choices online. Online safety is a huge and important area. Whilst many of us did not grow up with technology, it is integral to the lives of our children. In school we have lots of lessons throughout the school year to teach the children about keeping safe online and it is important that you are aware of the risks and issues too. Below, you will find links to a series of short videos. These are free to you as a parent/carer of a child in our school and are brought to you by a nationally renowned specialist. The videos will take you through a series of issues, they are non-technical and provide you with support and guidance, and can be watched as and when suits you. Please copy and paste the links into your web browser.

Video links:

Introduction -

The Four C’s -

Online Gaming -

YouTube -

Social Media -

Screentime -

Final Video, Useful Links and Resources -


Workshop 2: Mental Health During the Teenage Years - An Introduction and Overview

Date and time: Tues 17th Sep, 19.30-20.30

Facilitator: Dr Danielle Shbero - Clinical Psychologist from Sutton CAMHS

Location: This is a virtual event – Eventbrite

This webinar will cover topics including:

  • What is mental health and being a teenager in today’s world
  • Supporting wellbeing during the teenage years – what research tells us
  • Introducing a way of thinking about teenage wellbeing – the three areas model
  • Responding to teenagers and communication tips
  • Problem solving challenging situations and options for help

To register for this online workshop please click on this link:

Mental Health During the Teenage Years - An Introduction and Overview Tickets, Tue 17 Sep 2024 at 19:30 | Eventbrite

Workshop 3: Understanding ADHD

Date and time: Wed 25th Sep 2024, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Dr Jo Suchy - Senior Educational Psychologist from Cognus

Location: This is a virtual event - Teams

Jo Suchy from the Educational Psychology team will be running a workshop to help parents to better understand ADHD. The workshop will look at how you can support a young person with ADHD and understanding their anxiety and anger triggers, as well as developing positive behaviour strategies at home and in school.

Please see the meeting details below:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 347 854 695 861

Passcode: xbNwe5

Workshop 4: KS4 Study Skills (Years 10 and 11 Parents)

Date and time: Thurs 10th Oct 2024, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Mr Donnelly – Assistant Headteacher for Teaching and Learning at WHSG

Location: This event will be held at WHSG

This workshop is for the parents of Years 10 and Year 11 students. Mr Donnelly will provide parents and carers with tips and techniques to support their child with revision and how to retain more information and knowledge. The session will also look at how we can increase students’ chances of becoming expert learners.

Workshop 5: The Teenage Brain, Exam Stress and Perfectionism

Date and time: Wed 16th Oct 2024, 18.30-20.00

Facilitator: Jenny Langley - Mental Health Trainer from The Charlie Waller Trust

Location: This is a virtual event - Zoom

The Charlie Waller Trust has been working alongside Dr John Coleman who is a leading expert in the field of teenage brain development. Jenny Langley is one of their lead trainers in this area and in this session Jenny will talk us through the latest research around the development of the teenage brain, which starts from around the age of 8 and runs through to the mid-twenties. Understanding some of these key changes can help us to see the world through the teenage lens more clearly, and therefore to come alongside our youngsters when they are struggling with pressures such as exam stress, perfectionist tendencies and other social developmental issues. The session is for all parents and carers and will include practical tips in communicating with your child in the face of difficulties.

The link is here for this online workshop:

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 


Workshop 6: I Wish I Looked Like Them - Helping Teens Navigate Body Image Issues

Date and time: Fri 18th Oct 2024, 12.30-13.30

Facilitator: Dr Danielle Shbero - Clinical Psychologist from Sutton CAMHS

Location: This is a virtual event – Eventbrite

Body image issues are increasingly a challenge for many teenagers and young people. This workshop talks about our current understanding of body image issues, ideas for supporting your teen and resources for you and your teen.

To register for this online workshop please click on this link:

I Wish I Looked Like Them - Helping Teens Navigate Body Image Issues Tickets, Fri 18 Oct 2024 at 12:30 | Eventbrite

Workshop 7: Understanding and Supporting Teen Sleep and Self-Care

Date and time: Wed 6th Nov 2024, 19.00-20.00

Facilitator: Dr Danielle Shbero - Clinical Psychologist from Sutton CAMHS

Location: This is a virtual event – Eventbrite

There can be many challenges with teen sleep - difficulties with regular routine, intrusion of social media and technology, poor sleep hygiene, sleep disruption and reversed sleep cycles. These cycles can also become worse over holiday periods for some. This session looks at some of the research and science around sleep hygiene, teenage sleep. thinking together about the challenges - and some options for supporting from the perspective of parents. The second part shares up-to-date resources for supporting self-care and positive mental health and wellbeing.

To register for this online workshop please click on this link:

Understanding and Supporting Teen Sleep & Self-Care Tickets, Wed 6 Nov 2024 at 19:00 | Eventbrite

Workshop 8: Trauma-informed Practice

Date and time: Thurs 14th Nov 2024, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Sara Martin - Deputy Headteacher at the Sutton Virtual School

Location: This is a virtual event - Teams

This webinar will look at equipping parents and carers with the skills and strategies to support children who exhibit behavioural or regulation difficulties. By promoting trauma-informed and attachment-aware practice, parents and carers will develop an improved knowledge and understanding of how to support children who have experienced trauma.


The link is here for this online workshop:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID:


Workshop 9: Special Educational Needs Drop In

Date and time: Mon 18th Nov 2024, 17.30-18.30

Facilitator: Mrs Bates (Director of Inclusion) and Tracy Matthews (Adapt to Learn ASD Specialist)

Location: This event will be held at WHSG

Mrs Bates (Director of Inclusion) and Tracy Matthews (Adapt to Learn ASD Specialist) will be available to speak to parents of those students who have SEN.  This will be an informal session where parents can ask questions, share experiences and gather ideas for supporting their child with SEN.

Workshop 10: KS5 Study Skills (Years 12 and 13 Parents)

Date and time: Thurs 21st Nov 2024, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Mr Donnelly – Assistant Headteacher for Teaching and Learning at WHSG

Location: This event will be held at WHSG

This workshop is for the parents of Years 12 and Year 13 students. Mr Donnelly will provide parents and carers with tips and techniques to support their child with revision and how to retain more information and knowledge. The session will also look at how we can increase students’ chances of becoming expert learners.


Workshop 11: Kooth – Supporting your child’s mental health

Date and time: Thurs 5th Dec 2024, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Cassim Kaweesa - Kooth Engagement Lead

Location: This is a virtual event - Zoom

Many parents and carers of children and young people are worried or concerned about their child’s mental wellbeing. It can be difficult to know where to turn, or what services are available to support your child. Kooth is a safe online space offering NHS-commissioned mental health support for children and young people. In this session, Cassim (Kooth Engagement Lead) will talk us through how Kooth works and the support available.

Please see the meeting details below:

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 81600879402

Passcode: u*@6Wkf1

Join Zoom Meeting:

Workshop 12: Improving Attendance  

Date and time: Tues 14th Jan 2025, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Aniké Clarke (Education Welfare Officer - Cognus)

Location: This is a virtual event – Teams

This workshop will be led by our Education Welfare Officer, Aniké Clarke, who works for Cognus. It is for parents of students whose attendance is below 90% and finding it difficult to attend school on a regular basis. The aim of the workshop is to help parents develop a better understanding of how chronic absence can impact a child’s achievement and to explore strategies for improving their child’s attendance.

The link will be sent nearer the time.

Workshop 13: Social Media & Gaming - What Parents Need to Know

Date and time: Thurs 6th Feb 2025, 19.00-20.00

Facilitator: Dr Danielle Shbero - Clinical Psychologist from Sutton CAMHS

Location: This is a virtual event – Eventbrite

This workshop talks through the relationship between mental health and different forms of screentime – some of the myths, science and also tips for how to think about and support your teen around different forms of screentime.

To register for this online workshop please click on this link:

Social Media & Gaming - What Parents Need to Know Tickets, Thu 6 Feb 2025 at 19:00 | Eventbrite


Workshop 14: E-Safety

Date and time: Thurs 13th Feb 2025, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Steve Welding - Education E-safety Adviser from Cognus

Location: This is a virtual event – Teams 

Steve Welding is an online safety specialist who wishes to educate all parents on how they can support their children to make the correct choices online. As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child safe online. This workshop will provide you with advice and resources to help you in supporting your child to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively.

Please see the meeting details below:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 381 417 558 588

Passcode: HUGTxw

Workshop 15: Managing Exam and Assignment Stress (in Years 11-13)

Date and time: Mon 24th Feb 2025, 19.00-20.00

Facilitator: Dr Danielle Shbero - Clinical Psychologist from Sutton CAMHS

Location: This is a virtual event – Eventbrite

This workshop talks through some key ideas and strategies to help manage stress and anxiety over exam periods at this challenging time.

To register for this online workshop please click on this link:

Managing Exam and Assignment Stress (in Years 11-13) Tickets, Mon 24 Feb 2025 at 19:00 | Eventbrite

Workshop 16: Supporting a child with an eating problem

Date and time: Thurs 13th March 2025, 18.30-20.00

Facilitator: Jenny Langley - Mental Health Trainer from The Charlie Waller Trust

Location: This is a virtual event - Zoom

Jenny Langley is an expert mental health trainer from the Charlie Waller Trust. When her eldest son recovered from anorexia over fifteen years ago Jenny left her City job behind and has since focused her attention on raising awareness of mental health and emotional resilience of young people and has a special interest in prevention, early intervention and crisis management in the school environment. This session is aimed at providing parents and carers with the knowledge and skills to support a child with an eating problem, including what an eating problem might look like and how to spot the signs.

The link is here for this online workshop:

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID:


Workshop 17: KS3 Study Skills (Years 7, 8 and 9 Parents)

Date and time: Wed 2nd April 2025, 18.00-19.00

Facilitator: Mr Donnelly – Assistant Headteacher for Teaching and Learning at WHSG

Location: This event will be held at WHSG

This workshop is for the parents of Years 7, Year 8 and 9 students. Mr Donnelly will provide parents and carers with tips and techniques to support their child with revision and how to retain more information and knowledge. The session will also look at how we can increase students’ chances of becoming expert learners.

Workshop 18: Parenting Teens - Conflict & Communication

Date and time: Wed 30th April 2025, 18.30-19.30 

Facilitator: Dr Danielle Shbero - Clinical Psychologist from Sutton CAMHS

Location: This is a virtual event – Eventbrite

Join our online workshop, 'Conflict and Communication in the Teenage Years' designed for parents navigating the challenges of raising teens. Discover strategies to manage conflicts at home, gain insights into the teenage brain, and learn how to handle big emotions effectively. This workshop will equip you with practical communication tools to build a stronger, more understanding relationship with your teen.

To register for this online workshop please click on this link:

Parenting Teens - Conflict & Communication Tickets, Wed 30 Apr 2025 at 18:30 | Eventbrite

Workshop 19: Supporting Your Teenager with Emotional Difficulties and Self-Harm

Date and time: Tues 13th May 2025, 19.30-20.30 

Facilitator: Dr Danielle Shbero - Clinical Psychologist from Sutton CAMHS

Location: This is a virtual event – Eventbrite

Being a teenager can be difficult to navigate, with lots of change and emotional ups and downs. Parents and carers can have key roles in supporting their teenagers through this by understanding emotional regulation, and how to facilitate healthy responses to difficult or testing situations. This webinar aims to help parents:


  • To understand what is meant by emotion regulation
  • To support their teen to self-regulate
  • To gain an overview of self-harm, including what we mean by self-harm, the ways in which somebody may self-harm, and reasons behind it
  • To provide some strategies to manage their teen who is self-harming including: What to do in the moment, shortly after, and longer term safety

To register for this online workshop please click on this link:

Supporting Your Teenager with Emotional Difficulties and Self-Harm Tickets, Tue 13 May 2025 at 19:30 | Eventbrite

Workshop 20: Transition from Primary to Secondary School

Date and time: Wed 2nd July 2025, 18.30-20.00

Facilitator: Hayley Cameron (Education Safeguarding Manager - Cognus), Steve Welding (Education E-safety Adviser - Cognus) and Aniké Clarke (Education Welfare Officer - Cognus)

Location: This is a virtual event – Teams


Hayley Cameron and Steve Welding from Cognus will be providing parents with helpful hints and tips on how to support their child as they transition from Primary to Secondary school. The Education Welfare Officer will also be on hand to provide guidance on attendance and the legal framework around school absence.

Please see the meeting details below:

Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 320 567 861 621

Passcode: SG7msa