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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Co-Curricular / Enrichment

At Wallington High School for Girls, we are delighted in the number and range of activities on offer to our students through:

  • Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities
  • Internal and External competitions
  • Enrichment days
  • Visits and events
  • Duke of Edinburgh Awards
  • Combined Cadet Force
  • World Challenge

All aiming to help students extend their learning outside of the classroom, develop and increase those vital personal skills and provide the opportunity to try new things; explore and develop interests outside of the classroom.

Enrichment helps students develop a love for learning in their own time, expand their mind and gain skills that will help them in their academic and professional careers. Learning outside the classroom also gives students the opportunity to experiment and take risks with no implications; so students can try things out and learn from their mistakes. Resulting in students with increased levels of confidence and no fear of trying something new

So what is Enrichment like for a student? Perhaps we should see what some of our current pupils have to say....

“The online Russia History conference a few weeks ago was very good! It was very interesting and easy to follow. I enjoyed it a lot and learned a lot about history, so it was useful for my A-Level studies.” Antara, Year 12
“The [history event] itself was very helpful and fun as we got to hear different historians explain their views and interpretations." Loreta Year 12
“my year 7 form love reading [the student bulletin] every week to see what competitions and challenges they can undertake.” Year 7 tutor
I think that all of the competitions have been really enjoyable and has definitely given a boost to my confidence, encouraging me to take part in more fun activities." Niluksha Year 7
I really enjoyed doing the enrichment opportunities because I was able to showcase my skills and feel part of a community." Damilola Year 7

Our enrichment team at Wallington High School for Girls works closely with the students to ensure that the enrichment opportunities provided meet the students and staff expectations. Sixth form students are actively involved in creating some of the opportunities and all years are actively encouraged to get in contact and let us know of any clubs, trips, competitions and opportunities they would like to have or are aware of for the school to participate in.

Financial Contributions to Visits

Most in school enrichment activities are provided at no cost for all of our students to enjoy.

Parents/carers will be asked to cover any additional costs of an off-site event or visit which the school may incur. However the school strives to keep any cost for a visit to a minimum, taking into consideration best value for money, established reputations and wherever possible using Transport for London’s free school travel for pre-arranged small group bookings.

Where payments are being made for a residential trip, parents/carers are given the opportunity to pay via instalments to spread out any costs. Payments are collected via our school online payments system, Parent Pay.

Parents/carers will be informed of the costs of a trip and the payment options available when deciding if you wish your child to participate. All of the communications regarding enrichment opportunities will be sent home electronically via our School Communications system. It is therefore vital that parents ensure they provide a correct and up to date email address and ensure to check that they are receiving these communications correctly when first starting at the school.

If there are any financial difficulties, please refer to our Charges and Remissions Policy on the school website.  

Students will not be permitted to participate in a visit of activity if the parent/carer permissions have not be received.  

Enrichment Team

Educational Visits Co-ordinator    Enrichment Officer
Mr E Pattison                                    Mrs J Murphy


Contact us for any queries or questions on


Telephone: 020 8647 2380 extension 376 
(covered daily 8.50am until 3:45pm)