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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

A Level and GCSE Results 2021

A Level Results 2021

Congratulations to all of our students on a very impressive and well-deserved set of A level results this year, particularly given that they have had to deal with a level of disruption to their education not seen before. This year, grades were determined using teacher assessed grades which were quality assured by the examination boards.

At A level, overall our students achieved:

  • 41.1% A*
  • 74.3% A*/A
  • 92.3% A* - B
  • 100% pass rate

120 students achieved three grade As or better at A level.

At GCSE, our students achieved:

  • 52.4% grade 9
  • 80.3% grades 8 & 9
  • 93.4% grades 7 to 9
  • 100% of students achieved at least a standard pass in English and Mathematics

21 students achieved grade 9s in all of their subjects

It is important to remember that our students have accomplished much more than just these qualifications, and they should be rightly proud of all their contributions to the wider life of the school and beyond.