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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls

Enrichment Programme: Visits and Events

Wallington High School for Girls provides many events and visits that run on adhoc days and holidays throughout each year providing additional opportunities. 

These can be both day trips or residential trips. During the holidays some of these offerings will also be international residential trips. An example of the experiences our students have had in previous years is detailed below;


  • Maths Challenges
  • STEM Competitions
  • Young Enterprise
  • Speak Out Challenge (Public Speaking Workshops)
  • Engineering Education Scheme
  • Gym & Dance Display / Dance Showcase
  • Music Concerts / Competitions including Jack Petchey
  • Foreign Language Plays
  • Geography Fieldtrips
  • Careers Evenings
  • Team Building Days
  • Work Experience
  • Take Your Daughter To Work Day
  • Art and DT Exhibitions

Visits (residential visit destinations vary from year to year)

  • Ski Trip to Europe
  • WW1 Battlefields (History)
  • Cologne (German)
  • CERN, Geneva
  • New York (Media Studies)
  • South Africa Netball tour
  • World Challenge

Details of any residential visits being run are usually announced at least 6 months in advance of the event and would be announced in multiple ways to ensure that students do not miss out on any opportunities available such as student announcements, the weekly newsletter and also dedicated emails.

Parents would be asked to cover any additional costs of an event or visit which the school may incur. Although the school would attempt to keep costs to a minimum; taking into consideration best value for money, established reputations and wherever possible using Transport for London’s free school travel for pre-arranged small group bookings.

Where payments are being made for a residential trip, parents are given the opportunity to pay via instalments to spread out any costs. Parents will be informed of the costs of a trip and the payment options available when deciding if you wish your child to participate.

If there are any financial difficulties, please refer to our Charges and Remissions Policy on the school website